Saturday, March 26, 2011

White-Breasted Nut Hatch

White-Breasted Nut Hatch
At one point, there were two on the feeder at the same time.

Red-Bellied Woodpecker

Red-Bellied Woodpecker
This woodpecker tried to eat at my squirrel-proof feeder, but it kept closing.

Squirrels: Dad's Nemesis

Ed does not like these guys taking our seed.



These migratory birds visit our feeders during the earliest part of spring in Iowa.

House Finches

House Finches
Here are a couple of pictures of the House Finches.

Common Grackel

Common Grackel: "Scat Cat"

Our neighbor has a cat next door that is lethal to birds. We watched her carry off a Common Grackel this morning.

Downy Woodpecker Male and Female

Downy Male

Downy Female

We saw both male and female Downy Woodpeckers today.