Saturday, March 26, 2011

White-Breasted Nut Hatch

White-Breasted Nut Hatch
At one point, there were two on the feeder at the same time.

Red-Bellied Woodpecker

Red-Bellied Woodpecker
This woodpecker tried to eat at my squirrel-proof feeder, but it kept closing.

Squirrels: Dad's Nemesis

Ed does not like these guys taking our seed.



These migratory birds visit our feeders during the earliest part of spring in Iowa.

House Finches

House Finches
Here are a couple of pictures of the House Finches.

Common Grackel

Common Grackel: "Scat Cat"

Our neighbor has a cat next door that is lethal to birds. We watched her carry off a Common Grackel this morning.

Downy Woodpecker Male and Female

Downy Male

Downy Female

We saw both male and female Downy Woodpeckers today.

Cardinal Sighting

Male Cardinal
We saw a female and Cay took this picture of the male cardinal. I hope we have a nesting pair. She took several nice shots.

Hunting Mourning Doves

Mourning Dove resting below our feeders
March 23, 2011
The Iowa House has voted to allow the hunting of mourning doves. I enjoy our mourning doves and are sad these birds that represent peace will be hunted. They are waiting for Governor Terry Branstad to pass it and set dates for the mourning dove hunting season.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


It stormed last night. The weather is supposed to be cold the next few days. I covered my blueberry transplants. I wonder if I should bring in the birdfeeders if it is going to be wet.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More Chickadees

Black-Capped Chickadee

I now have a feeder (squirrel-proof) filled with sunflower hearts. I have been enjoying the chickadees come and eat. They do prefer the safflower seeds, but sometimes, I see them eating the sunflower hearts. We have a couple of sparrows that come by also.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Asthma at the Feed & Seed

Today, I went to the grain elevator to buy sunflower seeds for the birds. When I got there, they were loading corn or something that made me have an asthma attack. I sounded raspy when I was talking to the lady at the counter. I had left my inhaler in my van. After purchasing the seed, I quickly took 2 puffs. It reminded me of the time that we had to cut our excursion to Living History Farms short when Dot, Cay and I got sick from the corn dust.

Black-capped Chickadee

Black-Capped Chickadee on our Squirrel-Proof Feeder

I hung a squirrel-proof feeder with safflower seeds and some thistle seed. The feeder was visited by a chickadee this morning.

We have also seen and heard the beautiful songs of the cardinals. There are some migratory juncos that perch on the wood bordering the vegetable garden. The robins are enjoying the worms now that the snow has melted.